• Roundabouts

  • Roundabouts are another kind of junction when we need to use the procedures mentioned above. You will see a diagram of the roundabout as you approach, giving a clear indication of the exits for major routes, and a stub to minor routes. These diagrams will give you the layout of the roundabout and a heads up on how to deal with your route.

    Use M-S-P-S-L when approaching. When you get to the give way line you will give way to anything coming from the right. Roundabouts take a bit of practice to understand so there may well be some hesitation to start with. Most have two lanes on the approach; the left is for turning left and leaving at the second exit and the right is for turning right and going all the way around and back to the road you come from. To turn left, use the same M-S-P-S-L procedure as if approaching a normal junction. When going to the second exit take the left lane and use the procedure in red, but do not signal on the way to the roundabout. Once you are level with the exit before the one you want, check the interior and left mirror and signal left to let everyone know you are leaving at the next exit. If you are turning right use the procedure in red with the appropriate signal and approach in the right lane. On entering the roundabout keep to the right and stay tight to the roundabout. When you are level with the exit before the one you are going to take, check the interior and left door mirror and apply the left signal. Then, if it is safe take your exit. There should be no one to your left when you check the mirror (I call that the ‘idiot check’). If you are going all the way around and back to the exit from which you came then use the same procedure as turning right, only taking the exit you want. It is important to stay in lane on a roundabout; if you are turning left or going straight over ( to the second exit) and someone else enters beside you to turn right then do not change lanes by trying to straighten the roundness of the roundabout. This would mean a collision with the car on the right, so stay in lane. Of course not all roundabouts are the same with just four exits -some have three and some have more. If your exit is before, or at the 12 O’clock position -unless you are taking the first exit which is left- you would treat your exit as though you were taking the second. This means no indication on to the roundabout, keep to the left and indicate left at the exit before the one you want. If your exit is after the 12 O’clock position, then you would indicate right and keep to the right lane, then signal left as appropriate. Mini roundabouts are as normal but small with less room to manoeuvre, so use normal procedure on the approach but you may not have time to indicate off. If there is no time then don’t worry about the signal.