• Terms & Conditions

  • T & C's

    The terms and conditions of driving instruction with Mark Seager of THETARMACGURU.CO.UK are as follows.

    1. lessons booked are subject to a 48 hour cancellation notice, for however many hours the lesson is booked for. (I will use my discretion on an individual basis if there are extenuating circumstances and your prior conduct is not characteristic of unreliability.) If you have prepaid this will be deducted from any moneys I am holding on your behalf. In situations where your lessons are not prepaid you will be asked to pay for the lesson, you have every right to refused and to find another instructor; alternatively you can pay for all future lessons in advance.

    2. I will, as far as is professionally possible, ensure the safety of you and the wider public while you are under tuition with The Tarmac Guru (known as Mark Seager). It is your responsibility to follow reasonable instruction to the best of your ability at that time, it is The Tarmac Guru’s responsibility to assess your driving ability based on your previous lessons and reasonably expect you to carry out tasks without danger to you or any third party or property including the tuition vehicle. Any attempt to endanger yourself or any third party including Mark Seager , either wilfully or as a result of reckless/negligible behaviour, while under instruction whether driving or otherwise during a lesson you will be subject to criminal or civil prosecution and liable for any damage caused as a direct result of aforementioned behaviour.

    3. Any moneys paid in advance are refundable in full for lessons that are not yet taken, if this does not encroach on term 1 regarding cancellations. All lessons will be paid for at the time of the lesson if they are not paid for in advance. If your lesson runs over a result of a need to acquire funds there will be a £5 charge. If you need to acquire funds during your lesson this should be mentioned at the beginning of the lesson to avoid the £5 charge.

    4. It is your responsibility to ensure you’re not intoxicated either as a result ingesting alcohol or controlled or uncontrolled drugs; this will include any prescription medication that is or is not prescribed to you that may impair your cognitive function and or any substance that is referred as a “legal high”. If I reasonably expect that you are under the influence of any substance I have the right to refuse to give the lesson at that time and term 1 will apply.