• Overtaking

  • M-S-M.
    Check that it is a safe place to overtake. Do you need to overtake? Select the appropriate gear for your speed and position yourself so that you can see ahead. If it is clear and you can see a good distance ahead, check the mirrors for anyone else overtaking, apply a signal and increase your speed briskly. When you can see the vehicle you have overtaken in your interior mirror it is safe to move back to the left hand side. Remember the 2 second rule and how that changes with the weather. Remember to wait until you can see the vehicle you have overtaken in your interior mirror, and then when you move back over you will have maintained the two second gap. On a dual carriageway and motorway, check your blind spot out of the corner of your eye before you signal and move to the next lane. Overtake cyclists in the same way as you would overtake a car.