• Refresher Lessons

  • If you have passed your test and haven’t driven for around 2 months or more then getting in a car and driving could be hazardous. Having just a 2 hour lesson could be much cheaper than the alternatives if you are rusty or have a lack of confidence. All the knowledge you obtained as a learner before passing your test isn’t going anywhere, but you may need to bring that knowledge back to the forefront of your mind.

    Also if you feel that other driver are always getting at you by beeping, shouting or making offensive hand gestures then it may be time to think about why this kind of behavior seems to follow you around. It could be that your driving knowledge needs refreshing. Confidence can be a dangerous thing if you have a lower standard of driving ability. You could benefit from as little as a two hour lesson, making you a safer and more competent driver.

    I can offer a £10 30 minute assessment, giving honest and easy to understand feedback to let you know how safe you are and how much (if any) work needs to be done.

    Just remember our driving reflects how we feel at the time, so if every day driving is something that leaves you feeling anything other than calm and confident think about an assessment.